LATEST MATCH Mazal Tov to Hadasah Katanka (London, London) & Yitzy Meyer (London, London) Match #2,375


Jewish Dating Blog

Jewish Dating Blog: The Demise of Happy Meal Dating

August 13th, 2020 Blog Writer

Jewish Dating Blog: The Demise of Happy Meal Dating By Sheri Jacobs We are Jews living in the midst of a pandemic. The good news is, we are accustomed to challenges and adversity. From biblical times, when our ancestors experienced persecution in the Middle East because they refused to worship idols, to the present day,…
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How to capture someone’s heart. Advice from Jewish Dating Coach

May 15th, 2020 Blog Writer

By Yani Gantz, Jewish Dating Coach Between pleasing potential candidates and keeping up with the competition, many people lose their identity, their true selves. You need to understand that wearing someone else’s mask is a recipe for failure. How long can you keep up the act? When you get back to being yourself that potential…
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Coronadating: To The Millennial Gen

April 8th, 2020 Blog Writer

If anyone can win #coronadating, it’s you: the Millennial Generation. Coronadating: No matter how much I encourage you to pick up the phone, you always text to set up your dates, text between the dates, text even once you’re dating for weeks or months.  You’re an expert at expressing emotion through emojis and gifs. One…
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Jewish Dating During These Times

April 6th, 2020 Blog Writer

  Jewish Dating During These Times By Jewish Dating site SawYouAtSinai’s matchmaker Yifat Schulsinger   The last few weeks is hitting us in areas of life we never anticipated. My husband goes to work in the hospital daily to treat patients , while I am at home with the kids.  It is a time of…
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Daniel Feldman (Los Angeles, California)
Samantha Minkus (Tucson (Moving to LA), Arizona)

Joel Palmer (Edgware, Middlesex)
Rachel Hamilton (Hendon, London)

Ory Egoz (Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv)
Efrat Alon (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)

Eliezer Reuben (Spring Valley, New York)
Joann Drasnin (Oak Park, Michigan)

Ayal Steinberg (Woodmere, New York)
Sara Rosengarten (East Brunswick, New Jersey)

Aryeh Wizman (Monsey, New York)
Ilana Wiesenfeld (New York, New York)

Harold Dukes (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)
Sabena Basch (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)

Michael Balsam (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)
Ariella Prize (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)