Jewish Dating During Coronavirus: Phone & Video Dating Tips
March 23rd, 2020
For all of us, there have been sudden and drastic changes in our lives and we are all figuring out how to best adapt. Similarly, Jewish dating during Coronavirus must also be adjusted to move forward. And, while taking a break from dating might seem the easiest, no one knows how long the new normal will last.
In our new environment, we will need to try new approaches, even if we are slightly uncomfortable or skeptical that all of these new approaches will work. Here are some additional tips, from SawYouAtSinai matchmaker and dating coach Lori Salkin on how to make your phone and video dating experiences as successful as possible.
Lori’s Social Distance Dating Tips:
- Establish whether the first phone call is a phone date or a call to set up a phone or video date. You are likely used to first phone calls being just a few minutes to get to the ask for the date, make sure you are both on the same page as to whether you should settle in for a long chat, or if this is just the pre phone date call.
- Prepare for a video date as you would a normal date. You still need to dress appropriately. Even though current style trends may be pajamas all day, that is definitely not first video date attire.
- Set up your video date space, and check how it looks on video. Make sure the lighting is good, no random lights blurring out part of your head or shadows preventing the person from seeing you. Make sure the background is appropriate for a date. Try not to sit on your bed in your bedroom.
- Break the ice. At the beginning of your call, acknowledge how funny and different this is and that you’ve never done this before. Lighten the tone and share a laugh together about the fact that no one expected that would be dating over the phone and video when you might only be a mile or so apart.
- Do not talk about Coronovirus or how annoying this all is, the entire time.
- Go out of your comfort zone. You have to put in a lot more energy and effort if you’re not a phone person, not a fan of video calls or someone who likes to text. But after the first call, it will get easier and more comfortable, especially if you click with the person you are phone dating.
- Be patient. While girls generally wait for the guy to make the first move in initiating a call or text, social distance dating is unchartered territory for everyone and even the most chivalristic guy may be thrown off in what the next move is and whose turn it is. Guys also always tell me they like it when the girl takes some initiative and shows that she is interested too.
- Grade on a Curve. I don’t think there is a single person on the planet who can say they are truly unaffected by what is going on all around us. Neither you nor the person you are dating are immune to stress from our new normal, added to the regular pressures of dating and now extra stress in social distance dating.
- Social distance dating works! We all know at least one couple who dated long distance and has a Disney Happily Ever After.
If you would like to reach out to Lori for additional advice, please email her at If you have thoughts or ideas that you would like to share with the SYAS team, please feel free to write into
Please stay safe and healthy.
Marc Goldmann and the SYAS Team
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