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Jewish Dating Profile: Things to think about while your photo is being taken

February 10th, 2016 Blog Writer

By Shidduch Photographer

The purpose of your online dating photo is to give the viewer some insight as to what you look like, aswell as to your character. Therefore, the most important part of your photo is your facial expression.

When someone is taking your profile photo, make sure your image isn’t captured with a shocked, blank, or even creepy expression, by doing the following: Think about something specific and imagine all the details. This will give you an emotion, which will translate onto your face as an expression. And that expression will give your still photo life, and give the viewer a glimpse into your personality.

By working on this with the person taking your photo, you will get a photo that represents the real you to someone who doesn’t know you.

To develop a strong expression, think about something specific. For example, rather than thinking about “being happy”, you want to think about a particular experience that made you happy.

Here are some suggestions of things to think about while you are having your photo taken, that will help you get a good expression on your face. Try them out and see what works best for you.

Suggestions for Things Women Can Think About

Flirty – ­ How would you look if you saw a guy you liked from across the room and you were hoping he would notice you? Give that look to the camera.

Love ­ – Think of the warm feeling that being in love gives you.

Secret nobody knows ­ – We don’t know that secret to tell you to think about.. but you do!

Favorite treat ­ – At the end of the workday, what kind of treat would you like to come home to? (For Breindel, it’s dark chocolate.)

Suggestions for Things Men Can Think About

Strength – ­ Think of something that you do better than other guys: swimming, chess, etc.

Lucky day – ­ You just won tickets to the game! Let’s see the smile.

Accomplishment ­ – Something you are proud of: catching a big fish, getting a promotion, etc.

Try a variety of these thoughts in your photos, look at the results, and see which helps bring out your personality the best. Remember, you are not just showing your face in a photo, you are giving the viewer insight into your character, and that will entice them to get to know you better.


Blog by Breindel and Eric.  They are the founders of, a photography service that specializes in improving your shidduch photos, using Staged to Look Natural™ Photography. Both of them work together during photo sessions to make sure you feel your best, so that you look your best.

Breindel and Eric are happy to give you advice about your Saw You At Sinai profile photos. Please email any photos you would like us to look at to

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