LATEST MATCH Mazal Tov to Hadasah Katanka (London, London) & Yitzy Meyer (London, London) Match #2,375

How to Dress For Your Most Flattering Photo

September 17th, 2015 Blog Writer

By Shidduch Photographer

When it comes to shidduch photos, a clothing error could influence someone to say no to you, based on what they infer about you from your photo.

The clothes you wear in your shidduch photo should be clothes that you look best in on a daily basis (on a date, etc.)… but not exactly. It is important to remember that a photo is not exactly reality.

In reality, when you meet someone, they see you in motion and from different angles. This is how they develop a general understanding of how you look. But in a photo, one moment is captured forever — so you want to make your photo be your best moment!

Eric and I suggest seven clothing guidelines for you to make your photos the most flattering:

  1. Colors – wear the group of colors that flatters your complexion, and avoid the group that is unflattering. The two color groups we are referring to, are “cool” and “warm” colors. Cool colors include purples, plums, blues, bluish greens (teal, turquoise), bluish reds (maroon, burgundy, pink) and bluish browns (mushroom, taupe). Warm colors include oranges and yellows, and the warmer versions of other colors, such as yellowish greens (lime, olive), orangish reds and browns (rust, chocolate), and peach and coral.
  2. Fit – You want to be able to move well in your clothes, without them being so loose as to leave you shapeless. You don’t want them to bunch up or pull. If you’ve gained or lost weight, it’s important to wear the size garments that you now are.
  3. Style – Some women attempt to dress elegantly, using draping fabrics or thick materials that hang in unflattering ways. Some women try to look younger by dressing in clothes that a teenager would wear. Either direction could make a woman look older. Men, on the other hand, have a different problem. Many have a limited judgement on what clothes correctly fit them, or what goes with what. If this is the case, find someone knowledgeable at a clothing store who can help you.
  4. Black or not black? – Depending on your hashkafa, you may want to wear colors other than black. Black on women who wear no makeup can look very stark. However, on a woman who wears makeup and styles her hair, black can be very striking. For both men and women, a problem with wearing black in photos, is that black absorbs light, and therefore hides contours and can make you look like one solid piece. A good choice when posing while wearing black, would be to make sure that there is space between your arms and torso, and also to have white or another light color close to your face, such as a white collar or shirt peaking out, or a strand of white pearls.
  5. Textures – Ribbed thick sweaters, velvet, and other thick materials add to heaviness in photos. Shiny satin, stripes, patterns and wrinkles take the focus away from the face. Draping fabrics create weight from billowing or rippling folds. Tiny holes in clothes, which may not be noticeable in real life, are very noticeable and distracting in photos.
  6. Eyeglasses – Make sure that photos with glasses are taken at an angle so as to not show glare. Also, take some photos without them, so that people can see your eyes.
  7. Footwear – Dark footwear draws the least attention in a photo. You should wear footwear appropriate to the rest of your outfit. If you are wearing a formal outfit, even if your footwear isn’t going to show in the photo, wear the appropriate footwear.


A photo is not exactly reality, and so it is important to remember that every aspect of the photo is conveying information to the person who is viewing it. Eric and I suggest taking test photos of yourself dressed in different outfits, to see what clothing works for you in a photo, and what doesn’t.

Remember: You’re not dressing for a date — you’re dressing for a photo. Take advantage of your ability to make your photo the most flattering by carefully choosing your clothing.


Breindel poses in a black, puffy sweater and you can’t tell where her torso ends and her arms begin. This makes her look larger than she really is

Breindel poses in a grey shirt and you can clearly see her actual size.

Breindel poses in a grey shirt and you can clearly see her actual size.


Blog by Breindel and Eric.  They are the founders of, a photography service that specializes in improving your shidduch photos, using Staged to Look Natural™ Photography. Both of them work together during photo sessions to make sure you feel your best, so that you look your best.

Breindel and Eric are happy to give you advice about your Saw You At Sinai profile photos. Please email any photos you would like us to look at to


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