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Jewish Dating Blog

Jewish Dating During Coronavirus: Phone & Video Dating Tips

March 23rd, 2020 Blog Writer

For all of us, there have been sudden and drastic changes in our lives and we are all figuring out how to best adapt. Similarly, Jewish dating during Coronavirus must also be adjusted to move forward.  And, while taking a break from dating might seem the easiest, no one knows how long the new normal…
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Coronavirus Jewish Dating Advice: How to date safely

March 18th, 2020 Blog Writer

  Coronavirus Jewish Dating concerns: How do we date in the new world order?   Due to concerns of Coronavirus Jewish Dating behavior is changing.  We are living in a strange new world where social distancing is the norm and isolation is encouraged.  There are methods that we can encourage, however, that will keep you…
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Jewish Dating: Was it worth it to wait for my soulmate?

August 13th, 2019 Blog Writer

The wait was long. I remember myself back in my apartment in New Jersey, feeling lonely, wondering why and when will my soulmate arrive. Looking back at those days strolling around the city, heading to or leaving a date, discouraged, frustrated, happy, or hopeful that this might be it. Dates and more dates, and I…
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Jewish Dating: Commitment Phobia

July 30th, 2019 Blog Writer

At some point in your life, you may have been in a relationship with a commitment phobic.   At the beginning you are the center of their universe, it is all about you! As the relationship progresses and commitment expectations approach, they start pulling away. Even if you love each other, commitment seems impossible. They typically…
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Daniel Feldman (Los Angeles, California)
Samantha Minkus (Tucson (Moving to LA), Arizona)

Joel Palmer (Edgware, Middlesex)
Rachel Hamilton (Hendon, London)

Ory Egoz (Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv)
Efrat Alon (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)

Eliezer Reuben (Spring Valley, New York)
Joann Drasnin (Oak Park, Michigan)

Ayal Steinberg (Woodmere, New York)
Sara Rosengarten (East Brunswick, New Jersey)

Aryeh Wizman (Monsey, New York)
Ilana Wiesenfeld (New York, New York)

Harold Dukes (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)
Sabena Basch (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)

Michael Balsam (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)
Ariella Prize (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)