LATEST MATCH Mazal Tov to Hadasah Katanka (London, London) & Yitzy Meyer (London, London) Match #2,375



Jewish Dating Profile: Things to think about while your photo is being taken

February 10th, 2016 Blog Writer

By Shidduch Photographer The purpose of your online dating photo is to give the viewer some insight as to what you look like, aswell as to your character. Therefore, the most important part of your photo is your facial expression. When someone is taking your profile photo, make sure your image isn’t captured with a…
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Besides “Looks”: What Else a Photo Tells You

September 1st, 2015 Blog Writer

By Shidduch Photographer   When it comes to shidduchim, a big controversy seems to be whether needing to see a photo of someone before you meet them, means that you are shallow. Breindel and I are here to tell you that not only is seeing a picture not shallow, it’s necessary. Here are 10 reasons…
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Daniel Feldman (Los Angeles, California)
Samantha Minkus (Tucson (Moving to LA), Arizona)

Joel Palmer (Edgware, Middlesex)
Rachel Hamilton (Hendon, London)

Ory Egoz (Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv)
Efrat Alon (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)

Eliezer Reuben (Spring Valley, New York)
Joann Drasnin (Oak Park, Michigan)

Ayal Steinberg (Woodmere, New York)
Sara Rosengarten (East Brunswick, New Jersey)

Aryeh Wizman (Monsey, New York)
Ilana Wiesenfeld (New York, New York)

Harold Dukes (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)
Sabena Basch (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)

Michael Balsam (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)
Ariella Prize (Jerusalem, Jerusalem)